Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The New World Order: Perception vs Reality

There is an enormous gap between the physical reality and our perception of it; so enormous that we may even be perceiving ourselves from the inside looking out, like a hole in One in reverse.

Everyday, we are bombarded by so much external stimuli that we end up filtering-out or interpreting the information picture to suit whichever suit we happen to be wearing. Who knows what's really happening on the other side of the world? Does it even matter as long as we believe we have No power to change it? The power is ours to change the system. We simply require to step up and take self responsibility for ourselves and all as us.

For example: If there are five groups in the world, two pull left and two pull right, which group gets to decide the direction of the world? This is the world-wide situation in which we currently find ourselves, divided and conquered in left/right paradigms, through our acceptance and allowance of a form of Democracy that does not have as its foundation, Equality within and as what is best for All. Before you go blaming a small group of Elite for the current state of this world, ask yourself this: from where do those that rule, get their power? They get it from a divided humanity, many of whom would rather fight for their right to have more, in spite of themselves now having much less than they would in a world based on the Foundation of Equal Life.

The only thing new about the “New World Order” or should I say, Disorder disguised as economic development and democratic reform, is the technology behind madness. Yet it is relevant in pointing-out where the power and control still lies, in the hands of the minority, as opposed to where it should reside, equally within and as All. Key here is to realize that no one ever stole your power to determine the fate of this world; we gave it away through our acceptance and allowance of a system that places responsibility in the hands of the few, instead of where it belongs in the hands of us all. By accepting our roles as apathetic constituents and consumers, we've abdicated our power and authority unto CEO's, Presidents and Generals, and they're doing as they see fit within the guidelines of a system that caters to the demand of the consumer, for the profit of the corporation.

To stop the madness before it consumes us all, simply requires that we take back our power, and in so doing accept responsibility for All that is here. The process of change begins from within; EM is the outward platform that will provide the stability for all to join in. I will not be entitled to more than you; yet neither will anyone else be entitled to more than I. Thus when I give to All, I'm also giving to me.

Imagine what we are able to accomplish when we're all giving as we would like to receive, directing ourselves in the common goal of creating the best possible situation equally for All here on Earth. The New World Order is ours to create: which will you choose; the Old World Disorder of ignorance and greed, or a New One of Self-Responsibility, Equality within and as what is best for all?

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Equal Money: What's in It for Me?

In the last post we talked about the Foundation of “Oneness and Equality within and as the principles of what is best for All.” This starting point is specific; for in striding to build perfection, it is only logical to begin with the foundation of equal standing.

What's in it for Me?

Freedom from Fear: that is what's in it for you, me and All who are willing to stand and gift unto ourselves and All, the equal opportunity to to live a dignified life. Fear – as will be explained in detail – is the the current/driver of human Consciousness, collectively projected outward from the Small to the Big, manifested as the World System of Money as the design of Power and Control.i In other words, power and control within/as the World System of Money is based on fear, represented at all levels, by the currencies of Money. At the lowest level, the fear is defined as want, need and desire for enough money to stay alive, survive in the jungle. As we move up the hierarchical class-structure of the system, the foundation of fear remains the same; yet the definition changes from the fear of not having enough, to the fear of losing what one has, interestingly defined as want, need and desire for More money to (stay in class) survive in the jungle. As we come to understand the design of the system and our roles within/as it, we will realize that we as pillars of the system, are its power source, and therefore responsible for all outflows, for better or worse. Thus will come again the Choice: continue to give up one's power unto a system that does not value Life, or stand, take back your power, and become part of the force of that which is best for All.


What will change in an Equal Money System?

Fear will be Eradicated.



Friday, April 19, 2013

The Foundation


Equal Money (EM) is a comprehensive, Earth-friendly solution that is being developed to replace the old world-system of Money – designed for power and control, with a new world-system of Equality – designed to function in the best interests of All. The basis of EM is that, all life is created equally; and as such, All are entitled to an equal opportunity to live a dignified life.

Equality and Oneness within and as the starting-point principle of what is best for All is the “only” Foundation upon which we may truly begin anew; anything less is just setting ourselves up for “another” historic fall.

Don't fret! It's not about Buddhism, Taoism, or any other philosophy or religion for that matter; it's just basic math, 1+1=2. Meaning that, no matter what you do to the equation of what is here within and as Planet Earth, the Whole as One is always equal to and determined by the sum of its parts, as above so below, as within so without... It's a shame we've taken evident truth, and thus all that would flow from and of it, and turned it into a religious catch-phrases so as to keep people from seeing (and thus taking responsibility) the key in the simplicity of what is actually here as planet, people, animals, nature...

To put the equality equation into perspective, think of it like this: If there were only two beings on Earth, the presence or action of each being would be equally represented in outflows of/as consequence for better or worse. Consequence of one-being +Consequence of another being = the outflows of Consequence of 2 beings (1C+1C=2C). Note that, no matter how many beings we add to this equation, the best case scenario for the whole and each as an equal-part of the whole, is always going to be where each-being stand/move for and as what is best for All. Herein, the principles of “give as One would like to receive”, “do unto another as One would have done”, and so on, form the basis of establishing/determining what is best for all. Just remember that, it all starts in the small, and as per the function of a system, what happens to the Whole, equally reflects unto us All. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Continuing with Systems

In the previous blog-post, we broke-down a system to “imagine” its smallest particle or “singularity,” so as to visualize the basis of a system, how each single part, regardless of its location and/or grouping within and as the whole, inescapably function equal-as-one in defining and determining the nature of the whole. In order for each singularity to optimally benefit “as all as one,” all parts must be aligned with each-other, directing themselves within/as what is best for all; accordingly, insuring the health and harmony of the whole as well as each of its parts. This is how the human physical body function, innumerable singularities within/as systems within/as the physical, functioning for and as what is best for all. Which brings us to the World-system of Money and the human effect; where did we go wrong, why are we not aligned within and as what is best for the body as a whole, best for All?

Friday, April 12, 2013

What's all this Talk about Systems?

A system is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular; or a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network (source: Google search, “system”). The World System is the sum/total of the connections or relationships of each of its parts. Accordingly, Planet Earth, within and as the atmosphere, is the manifested representation1 of the World System. From within and as the World-System, all other (worldly) systems flow.

Use your Imagination to visualize how systems function – from the small to big and big to small. Picture “everything” within/as the Earth's atmosphere, as a glass-sphere. Now, within/as that sphere, choose the tiniest single-particle that you can imagine. From that particle as a starting point, draw individual light-blue relationship lines to each of the particles that may influence or be influenced by that single starting-point particle. If you are familiar with Physics, what you probably just did was to draw individual lines from that single-particle to every other single-particle within/as the sphere. Now, one particle at a time, do the exact same thing with all of the other single-particles in/as the sphere, until you have addressed each single-particle as a unique starting-point within/as the sphere. What you are now holding within and as your imagination is a light-blue representation of the basis of the World System, enclosed within/as its very own atmosphere. Notice that although, the address/starting-point/perception of each particle is unique, the connections of each of the particles to each other – creating the whole – are equal. Now, reverse the view. From the the entirety of the sphere – as the sum/total of all the singular particles in relation to each other, follow the relationship line of each of the particles, back to that first single-particle.

  1. What in essence, determines/defines the nature of a system, as a whole?
  2. What in essence, determines/defines the nature of a single-particle or singularity?

1“manifested representation” refers to the behavior and works

Monday, April 8, 2013

What is Equal Money

Equal Money (EM) is a comprehensive, Earth-friendly solution that is being developed to replace the old world-system of Money – designed for power and control, with a new world-system of Equality – designed to function in the best interests of All. The basis of EM is that, all life is created equally; and as such, All are entitled to an equal opportunity to live a dignified life. Within and from this starting point, people from all over the world are coming together (on the Internet), investigating the current world system, keeping what is good, and redesigning the rest. So, could this be opportunity that, “We the People” have been waiting for, a chance to create our own version of the New World Order - one in which All are supported and cared for?